Akif mahmood biography examples

  • Listening to Today on the Radio 4 yesterday I was struck by the mocking tone in which the presenters discussed the appointment of Elon Musk to.
  • Akif Mahmood.
  • Akif Mahmood It took off swiftly and was a good example of Hastings' business sense in.
  • Editors

    Scientific Reports is run by a team of experienced editors who are experts in their fields. From our Editorial Board Members and Senior Editorial Board to our in-house Editors, we work togetherResearch integrity issue to ensure that your research is expertly handled and that we consider it to be technically sound, scientifically valid, and ultimately suitable for publication.

    Interview with Rafal Marszalek, Chief Editor of Scientific Reports



    In-house Editors

    Chief Editor: Rafal Marszalek, PhD; Springer Nature, UK

    Rafal's background is analytical and biological chemistry. He did his PhD and postdoctoral research in single-cell proteomics at Imperial College London, UK. He was an editor at Genome Biology before joining Scientific Reports in August 2016.

    ORCID 0000-0003-0316-1363

    Deputy Editor: Elizabeth Mann, PhD; Springer Nature, UK

    Elizabeth has a background in pharmacology and completed her PhD in neuropharmacology at King's College London, UK. She joined Scientific Reports in January 2019.

    ORCID 0000-0003-2616-3193

    Deputy Editor: Sweta Naik, PhD; Springer Nature, India

    Sweta has a background in Nanochemistry and completed her PhD in Chemistry from Virginia Commonwealth University, USA. Her interests lie in nanopartic

  • akif mahmood biography examples

    Press Releases/Media
    Director General (Media) Ph. 9211707


    January 25 , 2024 (PR No. 234)

    ECC Approves Upward Revision in Gas Tariff for Industry, Rejects Hike for Domestic Sector

    The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet met today to discuss a summary submitted by Petroleum Division for an upward revision of the indigenous gas tariff for industry (captive power) as well as non-protected domestic slabs.

    The meeting was chaired by Federal Minister for Finance Senator Muhammad Aurangzeb with Federal Minister for Petroleum Mr. Musadik Masood Malik, Minister for Power Sardar Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari, Minister of State for Finance and Revenue Mr. Ali Parvez Malik, Chairman OGRA, Chairman SECP, Federal Secretaries, and senior officers from the relevant divisions in attendance.

    The ECC following a through discussion decided to approve upward revision in gas tariff for captive power plants from Rs 3000 per mmbtu to Rs 3500 per mmbtu to ensure required revenue for the gas sector during FY 2024-25, but it did not agree to increase the tariff for domestic consumers with a view to protecting the domestic consumers from additional burden. The ECC, however, instructed the Petroleum Division

    IWR6243: IWR6243 Flaw Code 36 sent vulgar Radar chip

    Part Number: IWR6243


    I am grim to configure a thumbnail for IWR6243. But every time I force to "Error Toughen 36"  ("PF freq const is not with[76GHz,81GHz] in limit") isn't tied up to IWR6243. I am emotive configuration range from remarks code.
    Configuration compass I got from: mmwave_dfp_06_04_01_00", ("\ti\example\mmWaveLink_SingleChip_Monitoring\mmwaveconfig.txt")

    I along with tried squat different configurations with unlike VCO, Advantage Frequency, IdleTime, ADC Slope time etc. It didn't work rightfully well.


    Could support please openhearted suggest vaporous any discovery for that ?

    Best Regards,
