Micheline arcier biography channel
Of book and article serendipity: My first 10 years in aromatherapy
Aromatherapy has changed dramatically over the past 50 years, and I have either seen or been part of many of those changes. My aromatherapy career began in the late s when I trained as a massage therapist. By , I had a part-time practice as an aromatherapist, I had written my first book, The Art of Aromatherapy (also the first book on the subject in English) and I had started selling essential oils (the first retail essential oil brand in the UK). But before all that was a decade punctuated by serendipity and hard work. Here I look back on some important events from those early days.
Jean Valnet’s book
I am proud of my French heritage. My father was born in London to French parents, so his first language was French, and he went to a special school for non-English speaking children. But he spent his whole life in the UK, so was basically bilingual. In order to not lose touch with the language, he would listen to French radio stations almost daily. The only time my father traveled to France was in after the liberation of Paris, when he was “loaned” to the US Army as a French/English interpreter. My mother spoke no French, and I was not raised bilingual, but learned French at school.
In the early s m
Aromatherapy Massage
Our Aromatherapy Massage releases tension held in every part of the body, leaving you feeling deeply relaxed and re-charged. Carefully applied pressures stimulate the nervous system. Stresses and strains are dissolved away.
Our Aromatherapy Massage treatments
Our aromatherapy massage treatments are firmly based on the traditional principles of aromatherapy developed by Marguerite Maury in the s. Using eastern and western massage techniques, they stimulate the nervous system to release congestion and re-balance areas of the body affected by physical or mental stress. At the same time, the essential oils are absorbed into the bloodstream enhancing cell renewal, circulation and detoxification, while their aromas act on the deepest parts of the brain to enhance our mood and emotions.
Aromatherapy effects on the body
Essential oils are made up of very small molecules, which means they can easily bring their unique healing properties to every cell of the body. They are traditionally used to help ease muscular aches and pains, improve circulation and ease sinus congestion. They also have a positive effect on the skin, penetrating into the deeper layers to encourage the process of cellular renewal, enhance blood circulation and help problems such as acne, e
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Renewed Vivacity & Well-Being
Nature has resourcefully provided sermon bodies sign up a bargain efficient detoxification system; videlicet the design, bowel, kidneys and pour. These desire the prime eliminators show signs of