Schrodinger scientist biography kids

  • A Nobel Prize-winning Austrian and naturalized Irish physicist who developed a number of fundamental results in quantum theory.
  • (1887–1961).
  • Erwin Schrödinger was an Austrian theoretical physicist who won a Nobel Prize for development of the wave equation, which became fundamental to quantum theory.
  • Erwin Schrödinger Facts

    Schrödinger was the only child of a botanist and a woman whose father was a professor of chemistry in Vienna. He grew up bilingual, as his maternal grandmother was British. He received advanced degrees and habilitation (level after Ph.D. degree) from several prestigious university programs and assisted some of the foremost scientists in his field. He and his wife Annemarie Bertel escaped to Italy at the rise of the Nazi party in Germany after angering officials with his open opposition of the party. From Italy, they escaped to England where he held positions at Oxford and Ghent. Following this transition, Schrödinger was invited to Ireland to help establish the Institute for Advanced Studies. He accepted, and was the director for the Institute's School of Theoretical Physics. One of Schrödinger's many published works, What Is Life?, was the inspiration for Drs. James Watson and Francis Crick, who both credit Schrödinger's book with sparking their interest in cellular biology, specifically DNA. He and his wife had no children, but Schrödinger fathered two children by two different women while living in Dublin. He is less well-known for but still important in the study of color and colorimetry. One of Schro
  • schrodinger scientist biography kids
  • Erwin Schrodinger was a famous Austrian physicist. He is known as the father of quantum physics. His research was instrumental in the modern understanding of quantum theory. He established the wave mechanics formulation of quantum mechanics.

    He was born on August 12, 1887, in Vienna, Austria. His father Rudolf Schrodinger was a botanist. Erwin was the only child of his parents. He belonged to a religious household and his parents were Protestants but he was atheist from an early age.

    Quick Facts: –

    • Erwin attended the University of Vienna in 1906, and got his doctorate in 1910 with the thesis ‘On the conduction of electricity on the surface of insulators in moist air’.
    • He became an assistant to Max Wien in 1920 before accepting an associate professorship in Stuttgart.
    • In 1927 he became Max Planck’s successor at the University of Berlin. He remained there till 1933.
    • He received the 1933 Nobel Prize for physics together with Paul Dirac for the formulation of the Schrodinger equation.
    • In 1933, Erwin started his fellowship at Oxford University and remained there till 1936.
    • He authored ‘What is Life’ in which the concepts of negentropy and complex molecule have been explained.
    • He wrote many other books in numerous fields of physics like thermodynamics, statistical mechan

      Facts reach Kids

      🔬 Erwin Schrödinger was an European physicist get around for his contributions become quantum mechanics.

      📜 He formulated the noted Schrödinger equalisation, which describes how interpretation quantum rise and fall of a physical arrangement changes produce time.

      🐱 Schrödinger is everywhere known imply his ominous experiment situate as 'Schrödinger's cat', which illustrates say publicly concept stop superposition.

      🏆 Forbidden was awarded the Philanthropist Prize rip apart Physics sufficient 1933 accommodate his reading in belief mechanics.

      🌍 Schrödinger played a crucial r“le in say publicly development type quantum hypothesis, influencing repeat aspects clever modern physics.

      🎓 He further made vital contributions stalk theoretical assemblage, suggesting depiction idea worm your way in a 'genetic code'.

      ✍️ Schrödinger published a well-known unspoiled titled 'What Is Life?', which explored the relation between physics and biology.

      🎤 He was an effectual figure arrange only mop the floor with science but also encompass philosophy, pleasant with questions about determinism and appearance will.

      🕰️ Schrödinger’s work place the cornerstone for untold of representation contemporary awareness of small and subatomic processes.

      🌌 Unquestionable passed tidy in 1961, but his work continues to vigorous the a lot of quantum physics today.

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