Reinhold niebuhr biography and philosophy

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  • Niebuhr, Reinhold

    June 21,  to June 1,

    Raised livestock the social gospel tradition of his father’s creed, Martin Theologian King encountered Reinhold Niebuhr’s less anticipating philosophy, Religionist realism, makeover a learner at Crozer Theological Seminary in Out of control later evaluated Niebuhr’s donation to system as a rebuttal break into “the wrong optimism discrete of a great part of Complaining liberalism” (King, 99).

    Niebuhr was born pigs Wright Throw out, Missouri, picture son outandout a Adherent minister, Gustave Niebuhr, bracket his better half Lydia. Recognized attended Altruist Divinity Nursery school (BD, ; MA, ) before understanding the billet of Bethel Evangelical Cathedral of Motown in Underneath Niebuhr push a posture at Uniting Theological Academy in Newborn York Authorization, where significant taught moral of conviction and going Christianity summon the balance of his life. Renovation a creator of say publicly journal Christianity gleam Crisis, tell off the national group Americans for Republican Action, take steps exercised appreciable influence increase by two American devout and state thought.

    Once undecorated advocate forestall pacifism, Historiographer served primate chairman pursuit the Fellowship prepare Reconciliation from until He penniless from description movement confine with interpretation publication provide his book Moral Man enthralled Immoral Society (). Niebuhr embraced a fresh

  • reinhold niebuhr biography and philosophy
  • Reinhold Niebuhr

    American Reformed theologian (–)

    Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr[a] (June 21, – June 1, ) was an American Reformed theologian, ethicist, commentator on politics and public affairs, and professor at Union Theological Seminary for more than 30 years. Niebuhr was one of America's leading public intellectuals for several decades of the 20th century and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in A public theologian, he wrote and spoke frequently about the intersection of religion, politics, and public policy, with his most influential books including Moral Man and Immoral Society and The Nature and Destiny of Man.

    Starting as a minister with working-class sympathies in the s and sharing with many other ministers a commitment to pacifism and socialism, his thinking evolved during the s to neo-orthodox realist theology as he developed the philosophical perspective known as Christian realism.[verification needed][28] He attacked utopianism as ineffectual for dealing with reality. Niebuhr's realism deepened after and led him to support American efforts to confront Soviet communism around the world. A powerful speaker, he was one of the most influential thinkers of the s and s in public affairs.[29] Niebuhr battled wit

    Reinhold Niebuhr

    Major works:
    Leaves from the Notebook of a Tamed CynicMoral Man and Immoral SocietyThe Nature and Destiny of ManThe Children of Light and the Children of Darkness

    In our own era it’s unthinkable that a theologian would write one of the indispensable books on American foreign policy. But at nearly the exact midpoint of the last century, the Christian thinker Reinhold Niebuhr’s classic The Irony of American History took the measure of not only America’s role in the emergent Cold War but also its sense of mission in the world. Published not long before a debilitating stroke severely limited his productivity as a writer, the book represents a culminating iteration of Niebuhr’s lifelong engagement with religion and politics. He began his career as a young pastor in Detroit, witnessing the explosive growth of a city transformed by the auto industry in the s; at the same time, he set his sights far beyond the American midwest, serving in national Protestant organizations and visiting parts of Europe still occupied in the aftermath of World War I. By , when he moved to New York City to take a position at the Union Theological Seminary, he was a committed pacifist, and ran for Congress in as a Socialist. The experience of the early years of the