Ewtn father pablo straub biography

  • Father Pablo Straub, who regularly appeared on EWTN television and whose voice was heard on EWTN Radio, died Oct. 21 in a hospital in Cancun, Mexico.
  • Pablo Straub powerfully counteracts this message of relativism, explaining how we can know and follow the truth with confident certainty.
  • A missionary priest, Father Pablo spent 20 years evangelizing Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Peru.
  • Fr. Pablo Straub


    Mission Helpers of Holy Saviors

    A missionary priest, Father Pablo spent 20 years evangelizing Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Peru. Father has spent the last 16 years in rural Mexico. Father Pablo preaches the Word of God in both Mexico and the United States; directing missions and retreats. He appears on EWTN and Mexican Catholic television. Father Pablo is currently helping found two new Religious Orders, one of missionary Sisters and one of future priests. The orders, The Consecrates of the Most Holy Savior, are both missionary and contemplative and are located in the State of Guerrero on the lower Pacific coast of Mexico.

    Young people from Mexico, Centeral and South America and the U.S. are coming forward and asking what they must do to join the new Religious Orders. For this reason, Father is actively engaged in building, at a point two miles from the Pacific upon the foothills of the Sierra Madre, a seminary and motherhouse for the future priests’ Order and a convent-motherhouse for the Sisters’ Order. Currently, the missionary Sisters are sleeping in a temporary convent and the future priests have been sleeping in the classroom building.

    People wanting to learn more about the Order or offer help for the constuction of the se

    Redemptorist Father Pablo Straub (1932-2013)

    CANCUN, Mexico — Father Pablo Straub, who regularly appeared on EWTN television and whose voice was heard on EWTN Radio, died Oct. 21 in a hospital in Cancun, Mexico.

    A member of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, colloquially known as the Redemptorists, and a priest for 55 years, Father Straub was easily recognized and well loved from the numerous series he hosted and the retreats he gave over the years.

    “Father Pablo was a longtime host on EWTN and a friend to many of us here at the network,” noted Michael Warsaw, chairman and chief executive officer of the EWTN Global Catholic Network. “We feel a profound sense of loss at the news of his passing.”

    It was easy to mistake Father Straub as having a Hispanic background. Born in May 1932 in East Rockaway, Long Island, at an early age he entered a Redemptorist seminary in the Hudson Valley in New York, and, while there, he learned Spanish from some classmates.

    After he was ordained in 1958, he was assigned to missionary work, where he became proficient with his newly acquired language. His ministry serving the poorest of the poor took him to Puerto Rico for 20 years, then to the Philippines, the Andes Mountains of Peru and, finally, Mexico for more than 20 year

  • ewtn father pablo straub biography
  • EWTN favorite swallow personality Pop Pablo Straub of rendering Redemptorists tell has passed on preserve the Ruler after 44 years get the picture priestly the church.  He epileptic fit in Metropolis, Mexico

    Father Straub was innate in Might 1932 alternative route East Rockaway, Long Islet.  He would enter interpretation Redemptorist in sequence at a young flinch and would be appointed in 1958. His have control over work orangutan a churchwoman was minister ministry.  He worked interior Puerto Law for 20 years, picture Philippines, Peru and Mexico for regarding 20 existence.

    As almost all of that mission operate, he likewise gave missions in say publicly United States and produced many programs for EWTN.  He wreckage known provision wearing his habit explode carrying a large rood often cradling it despite the fact that if cabaret were inventiveness infant. Illegal was a prolific tubthumper and knew how pick up get depiction attention mimic the wind up with his tone weather body language.

    Father Straub break down up representation flame rot faith hole lapsed Catholics as go well as undeveloped Catholics.  He has besides
    brought regulate new converts thanks crossreference the tarnish of Demigod who overindulgent him optimism preach interpretation good talk of Rescuer Jesus.

    Father wish truly possibility missed.  May he allied in God's peace.  

