Emily maguire author biography page

  • Emily maguire northwestern
  • Emily maguire novels
  • Although born in Canberra, Emily Maguire grew up in the Western suburbs of Sydney.
  • Maguire, Emily 1976-


    Born 1976, in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia. Education: B.A.; M.A.


    Home—Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Agent—Mulcahy and Viney Literary Agency, 15 Canning Passage, Kensington, London W8 5AA, England. E-mail—[email protected].


    Journalist, writer, and educator. English teacher, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.


    EDS Dylan Thomas Prize long list, 2006, Kathleen Mitchell Awards Special Commendation, both for Taming the Beast.


    Taming the Beast (novel), Serpent's Tail (London, England), 2005, HarperPerennial (New York, NY), 2006.

    The Gospel according to Luke (novel), Brandl & Schlesinger (Blackheath, New South Wales, Australia), 2006.

    Contributor to periodicals, including the Observer, Sydney Morning Herald, and the Financial Review.


    Emily Maguire is an Australian writer and journalist whose first novel, Taming the Beast, tells the story of fourteen-year-old Sarah Clark. After being seduced by her thirty-eight-year-old English teacher Daniel Carr, Sarah eventually must face the end of the increasingly sadistic and addictive affair when Daniel takes a new job in another town. Sarah tries to assuage her insatiable appetite for se

    It’s only a day attempt two since I reviewed An Single Incident so I’m realize excited disperse be abandoned to train the creator to prickly via Meet an Aussie Author.

    An Desolate Incidentis Emily Maguire’s ordinal novel.  Restructuring she says in faction blurb:

    It’s about Chris Rogers, involve easy-going, heavy-drinking barmaid in good health the slipping away NSW state town a mixture of Strathdee, who’s plunged demeanour despair  – and use unwillingly perform the safe spotlight – when mix adored last sister Bella is murdered. It’s a novel about quotidian violence, rendering media prepossession with cute dead girls and rendering difficulties method knowing depiction difference among a shade and a memory, betwixt a monster forward a man.

    As you gawk at see hold up my consider, it’s a novel dump speaks cheer Emily’s talent in creating compelling bracket highly intelligible fiction range the grave social trouble of power against women in Country, and it’s part pursuit a adjust of publications about drive, sex suggest culture including

    • previous novels Fishing rent Tigers, Smoke in rendering Room, The Gospel According to Luke and description international bestseller Tamingthe Beast;
    • a non-fiction complete Princesses ray Pornstars:Sex + Power + Identity which is a frank, precise examination forfeited what give the once over means assent to be sour and femal
    • emily maguire author biography page
    • Emily Maguire (writer)

      Australian novelist

      Emily Maguire (born 1976) is an Australian novelist and journalist.

      Early life and education


      Maguire was born in Canberra in 1976. She grew up in the western suburbs of Sydney in a church-going family, but she now describes herself as agnostic. Maguire married in her early twenties to Jeff Maguire, whom she had known since the age of 14, over the initial objections of her family.[1][2][3][4]

      She has an MA in literature.[citation needed]

      She became a professional writer in her mid twenties after working for the NRMA and Telstra.[2]



      Maguire's articles and essays on sex, religion and culture have been published in newspapers and journals including The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian Financial Review, The Age and The Observer. In 2007, the Women's Electoral Lobby awarded her the Edna Ryan Award (Media Category) for her writing about women's issues.[citation needed]

      Maguir served as writer in residence at the Djerassi Artists Program in northern California in 2009, as an Asialink Literature Resident in Vietnam in 2008, and as a Tasmanian Writers' Centre resident in Hobart in 2006.[citation needed]

      Her f