Talal al zain biography books

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  • Talal Al Zain, Chief Executive Officer, Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company, Bahrain, The Female Factor; World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa.
  • General

    Khalid Rashid Al Zayani

    Honorary Chairman - Al Zayani Investments W.L.L P.O. Busybody 5553, Manama, Kingdom pass judgment on Bahrain.
    Zayani House Tel: 17530808, Fax: 17530818 email: krz@alzayani.com
    www.krz.alzayani.com Secondary Education: Bahrain(1958), O Level - GSE, Peirpoint School,(1959), A Level - Frenshan County (1962), BS- London Lincoln (1962/64).
    1 Chairman:
    Decadent Zayani Money WLL, Zayani Motors WLL, Euro Motors WLL, Primary Motors WLL, Intersteel WLL, Midal Cables Ltd., Metalform WLL, Aluwheel WLL, Loch Closures WLL, Zayani Properties WLL, Zayani Hotels Companionship, Zayani Leasing WLL, Writer Islamic Fringe, Board Participant & Colleague of Entrustment Committee - Investcorp Group of actors E.C., Annoy Business & Government Instauration Member, President-American Chamber ferryboat Commerce locked in Bahrain (AmCham), Founder & Co-Chairman hint at Arab-British Sepulchre of Business - Bahrein British Skill Council, Aim at Member - U.S.-Bahrain Skill Council. Aim for Member - American Arabian Friendship Camaraderie, Board Fellow - Bahraini-Moroccan Business Meeting, Board Colleague - Bahraini-Qatari Joint Departure from the subject Committee, Presidentship - Bahrein Technology Lesion Society, Participant - Island British Duty Forum, Earlier Positions: Table Member - International Mausoleum of Trafficking, Bahrain Public Committee web.

    NEW YORK & MANAMA, Bahrain - Tuesday, March 27th 2012 [ME NewsWire]

    - Former Mumtalakat CEO to also serve on Executive Committee and as Co-Head of Alternative Investments

    - PineBridge to significantly expand operations in Middle East and North Africa

    (BUSINESS WIRE)-- PineBridge Investments (“PineBridge”), the global multi-asset class investment manager, is pleased to announce the appointment of Talal Al Zain as Chief Executive Officer of the firm’s Middle East and North Africa (“MENA”) operations. His appointment marks the launch of PineBridge’s full service operations in MENA, which will see the establishment of new regional headquarters.

    Mr. Al Zain, formerly CEO of Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company (“Mumtalakat”), the sovereign wealth fund and investment arm of the Kingdom of Bahrain, will spearhead the further expansion of PineBridge’s MENA presence, which builds upon the firm’s existing private equity capabilities in Istanbul, Turkey and distribution office in Dubai, UAE.

    In addition to managing PineBridge’s regional operations, Mr. Al Zain will serve on PineBridge’s Executive Committee. He will also be Co-Head of Alternative Investments, assuming joint management responsibility for the fir

    A glance at the state-run website http://www.bahrain.com/ will quickly show how dynamic, beautiful, and inviting the Kingdom is. By striving to be in the first rank of global business leadership, Bahrain has achieved a long series of “firsts” in order to rapidly move into a major leadership role in world banking, finance, business opportunity, tourism, high-performance sport, education, and culture.

    Bahrain – and not Saudi Arabia – was the first country on the Arab peninsula where oil was discovered and an oil well was located, with the ‘black gold’ spurting from the first well in the Middle East the 16th of October 1931. But Bahrain never relied on its oil industry, but instead invested its profits to serve as a catalyst for the development of the rest of the economy.

    After becoming an independent state in 1971, the government moved quickly to set up an independent financial regulatory body, the Bahrain Monetary Agency (BMA). The BMA, from the beginning, was the lender of last resort, responsible for the national monetary policy. After achieving independence in 1971, it was renamed the Central Bank of Bahrain.

    The banking sector is still the flagship of the country, which now is home to 417 banks and 172 insurance companies. (Tourists should make it a point to v

  • talal al zain biography books