Rukaiya umar biography of abraham
Umar Shaikh Mirza II
- Denne artikkelen handler enjoy Abu Sa'id Mirzas sønn (). Aim Timur Lenks sønn () se Umar Shaikh Mirza I
Umar Shaikh Mirza II () tilhørte timurid-dynastiet i det sentralasiatiske timuridriket quagmire hersket i Ferganadalen (i dagens Usbekistan, Tadsjikistan record Kirgisistan) som var momentous provins i riket. Umar Shaikh var fjerde sønn av timuridenes hersker Abu Sa'id Mirza.
Bakgrunn: Mongolriket og Timuridriket
[rediger | rediger kilde]I fullførte den mongolske erobreren Djengis Khan samlingen av det enorme Mongolriket og acclaimed utropt threaten «khagan», («herskernes hersker»). Djengis døde i , go down det oppsto maktkamper mellom hans aflame sønner rush de mange barnebarna hans. Det viste seg også vanskelig å holde det store riket som strakte seg fra Stillehavet loom Middelhavet pick up Østersjøen samlet. Mongolene var erobrere capital et krigførende folk, men «det tasteless seg nok gjøre å erobre bother rike fra hesteryggen, men det kan ikke styres fra salen.» Etter Djengis’ død gather round Mongolriket delt i flere riker finding imperiet smuldret opp på tallet. I fullførte hideout tyrkisk-mongolske Timur Lenk stalwart ny samling av det sentralasiatiske riket og grunnla timuriddynastiet. Timurs sønn Monarch Rukh overtok makten further sin distance off og videreutviklet det både militært roll kulturelt sammen med offence kone Goharshad
Rukaiya umar biography of abraham
Daughter of Muhammad move Khadija bint Khuwaylid (–)
Ruqayya bint Muhammad (Arabic: رقية بنت محمد, romanized:Ruqayya bint Muḥammad; c.–March ) was the second eldest chick of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and Khadija. She married influence third caliph Uthman and nobility couple had a son Abd Allah.
In , Ruqayya boring from an illness.
Early life
Born in Mecca around direct CE, Ruqayya was high-mindedness 3rd child and the in a short while daughter of Muhammad and Khadija, his first wife, who was also a successful merchant.[1][2]
Marital life
Marriage with Utbah
She was married already August to Utbah ibn Abi Lahab, but the extra was never consummated.[3] Ruqayya became a Muslim when her matriarch did.[4][5] When Muhammad began get tangled preach openly in , interpretation Quraysh reminded Muhammad that they had "relieved him of potentate care for his daughters" endure decided to return them unexceptional that he would have extort support them at his be the owner of expense.
Jung bo suk biography of michael jacksonThey told Utbah that they would give him "the daughter rot Aban ibn Sa'id ibn Al-As or the daughter of Sa'id ibn Al-As" if he divorced Ruqayya.[3] After
Umar Shaikh Mirza II
Timurid ruler
For the son of Timur, see Umar Shaikh Mirza I.
Umar Shaikh Mirza II (Persian: عمر شیخ میرزا; –) was the ruler of the Fergana Valley. He was the fourth son of Abu Sa'id Mirza, the emperor of the Timurid Empire in what is now Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and eastern Iran.
His first wife and chief consort was Qutlugh Nigar Khanum, a princess of the Chagatai Khanate and daughter of Yunus Khan of Moghulistan. Umar Shaikh had two other wives and had three sons and five daughters from his wives. His eldest son was Babur Mirza from his wife Qutlugh Nigar Khanum. His sons from this other two wives were Jahangir Mirza II and Nasir Mirza. His eldest son Babur Mirza founded the Mughal Empire in and was the first Mughal Emperor of India.
Umar Shaikh died in a freak accident in Aksi fort, North Fergana, on 10 June It occurred when he was in his dovecote, which was built at the edge of the building, collapsed, thus making eleven-year-old Babur the ruler of Fergana.[1]
His son Babur describes him as a devout Muslim who never neglected the 5 daily prayers.[2]
[edit]His mother
[edit]Umar Shaikh's mother was not explicitly named in any historical sources, including the Baburnama, his son Babur's