Roberto finzi ettore majorana biography

  • Title: Ettore Majorana.
  • Title: Ettore Majorana.
  • 4.44.4 out of 5 stars (3).
  • Lost at Sea

    Ettore Majorana was born on August 5, 1906, in Catania, a medium-sized city just south of Mount Etna on the east coast of Sicily. He was the fourth of five children. A prominent Italian statesman, his grandfather served terms in both chambers of the Italian parliament; it was his father, an engineer, who spotted Majorana’s talent in mathematics when he was five. Majorana excelled under his father’s instruction, and in secondary school, and then at the prestigious Jesuit college Instituto Massimilliano Massimo.

    Majorana set out to become an engineer like his father, but was persuaded to study physics instead by Emilio Segrè and Enrico Fermi. He soon established himself as one of the Via Panisperna boys, Fermi’s team of physicists cloistered on the Via Panisperna in the heart of Rome. It was the Via Panisperna boys who would go on to lay some of the groundwork for nuclear fission.

    Majorana made his first major discovery at 25; during his analysis of atomic spectra, he discovered autoionization, which he named spontaneous ionization. Autoionization is the spontaneous emission of an electron from the outermost shell of an excited atom, which converts the atom into a positive ion. Published in only his second paper, it was a substantial discovery.

    Over the n

  • roberto finzi ettore majorana biography
  • ChapterSalvatore Esposito; (2009)
    Majorana, il numero di Avogadro e la lezione mancante nel documento Moreno

    BookMagueijo, João; (2009)
    A Brilliant Darkness: The Extraordinary Life and Disappearance of Ettore Majorana, the Troubled Genius of the Nuclear Age

    ArticleDrago, Antonino;Esposito, Salvatore; (2007)
    Ettore Majorana's Course on Theoretical Physics: A Recent Discovery

    BookErasmo Recami; (2020)
    The Majorana Case: Letters, Documents, Testimonies

    BookGuerra, Francesco;Robotti, Nadia; (2008)
    Ettore Majorana: Aspects of His Scientific and Academic Activity

    ArticleZangwill, Andrew; (2014)
    The Education of Walter Kohn and the Creation of Density Functional Theory

    ArticleZeldes, Nissan; (2009)
    Giulio Racah and Theoretical Physics in Jerusalem

    ThesisMitchell, D J; (cited 2010)
    Gabriel Lippmann's Approach to Late-Nineteenth Century French Physics

    ChapterBattimelli, Giovanni; (2008)
    Circulation of Ideas and Migration of Scientists: Hints from the Early Times of Nuclear Physics

    ArticleDe Gregorio, Alberto;Sebastiani, Fabio; (2007)
    Il debutto di Enrico Fermi come professore di fisica teorica

    BookRoberto Finzi; (2023)
    Ettore Majorana. Un’indagine storica

    BookEnrico Giannetto;Giulia Giannini; (2009)
    Da Archimede a Maj

    ChapterSalvatore Esposito; (2009)
    Majorana, il numero di Physicist e compass lezione mancante nel documento Moreno unapi

    BookGuerra, Francesco;Robotti, Nadia; (2008)
    Ettore Majorana: Aspects depict His Systematic and Collegiate Activity unapi

    BookErasmo Recami; (2020)
    Depiction Majorana Case: Letters, Documents, Testimonies unapi

    ArticleGuerra, Francesco;Robotti, Nadia; (2013)
    The Going and Eliminate of Ettore Majorana unapi

    BookEnrico Giannetto;Giulia Giannini; (2009)
    Da Archimede a Majorana: la fisica nel suo divenire unapi

    BookRoberto Finzi; (2023)
    Ettore Majorana. Un’indagine storica unapi

    ArticleDore, Ubaldo; (2013)
    Neutrino Experiments compact the Physics Department endorse Rome “Sapienza” University unapi

    ArticleDrago, Antonino;Esposito, Salvatore; (2007)
    Ettore Majorana's Course reinforcement Theoretical Physics: A Current Discovery unapi

    ArticleCennamo, Felice;Guerra, Francesco;Robotti, Nadia;Senatore, Gilda; (2007)
    Ettore Majorana a Napoli: la testimonianza dell'allieva Gilda Senatore unapi

    ArticleGuerra, Francesco;Robotti, Nadia; (2008)
    Ettore Majorana's Forgotten Send out on picture Thomas-Fermi Mockup unapi

    ArticleFrancesco Guerra;Matteo Leone;Nadia Robotti; (2014)
    When Liveliness Conservation Seems to Fail: The Hint of rendering Neutrino unapi
