Nicolas-antoine taunay biography of albert

  • Nicolas-Antoine Taunay (1755-1830) was born in Paris where he trained in the studio of Nicolas-Bernard Lépicié (1735-1784) and subsequently.
  • Painter from France (1755-1830).
  • Taunay specialized in painting landscapes and executed several landscape studies in the forests of St. Germain und Fontainebleau.
  • Lista de pinturas de Nicolas-Antoine Taunay

    Imagem Título Data Coleção Localização Gênero Descrito em
    Cimabue e Giotto1808No/unknown value São Paulo[1]
    The Show (La Parade)década de 1780Art Institute of ChicagoArt Institute of Chicago[2]
    Paisagem com pastoresCasa Museu Ema KlabinCasa Museu Ema Klabinpintura de paisagem[3][4]
    View of the Road of Quebra Chángala in the Alto da Boa Vista1816Coleção Patricia Phelps de Cisnerospintura de paisagem
    Retrato da Marquesa de Belas1816Coleção da Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo
    Acervo da Fundação Estudar
    Brasiliana IconográficaPinacoteca do Estado de São Pauloretrato[5][6][7]
    StrandlandschaftColeções de Pinturas do Estado da BavieraNova PinacotecaL'Extérieur d'un hôpital militairedécada de 1800Departamento de Pinturas do LouvreSala 939 do Museu do Louvre[8][9][10]Hôpital militaire en Italie, 17971798Departamento de Pinturas do Louvre
    Museu de História da FrançaMuseu de História da França[11]Un Ermite prêchantséculo XIXDepartamento de Pinturas do Louvre
    Musée des Beaux-Arts d'ArrasMusée des Beaux-Arts d'ArrasPaysage, site du Brésil, avec la prédication

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    • nicolas-antoine taunay biography of albert
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      Nicolas-Antoine Taunay (1755-1830) was born in Paris where he trained in the studio of Nicolas-Bernard Lépicié (1735-1784) and subsequently of Nicolas-Guy Brenet (1728-1792) and Francesco Casanova (1727-1803). He travelled in Europe and the patronage of Joseph-Marie Vien (1716-1809), the director of the Académie de France in Rome, enabled him to study in Rome in 1784-7. In January 1816 Nicolas Taunay, with his brother, the sculptor Auguste-Marie Taunay (1768-1824), went to Brazil to help found an Academy of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro. He was made a member of the Légion d'honneur in 1824.

      This painting is a fine example of Taunay's output during his 5-year stay in Brazil between 1816 and 1821 and is part of a group of landscapes recording various Brazilian town views and sceneries around Rio de Janeiro. The luminous and light palette, harmonious composition and atmospheric sky are characteristic of landscape paintings fashionable under the Consulate and Empire.

      Object details

      Object type
      • Coast scene, Rio de Janeiro
      • Scène maritime, Rio de Janeiro
      Materials and techniques

      Oil on canvas

      Brief description

      Oil painting, 'Coast Scene, Rio de Janeiro', Nicolas Antoine Taunay, 1817

      Physical description
