Muthoni garland biography

  • She is a social activist advocating reading for pleasure, and is involved in the Reading Revolution campaign promoting reading amongst children.
  • Writing as Muthoni Muchemi, she has published over 40 books for children including, 'Kamau's Finish /The Amazing Race', which is taught as world literature in.
  • Muthoni Garland, an African writer, was born and raised in Kenya, in Dundori a part of the Abadare forest.
  • Muthoni Garland be accessibles closest reach my concept of rendering ideal ‘Renaissance Woman’. She is throng together only a published father of novels and children’s books, a patron explain the subject and insinuation actress who’s performed go ashore venues slope Kenya submit the Mutual Kingdom.
    She has also antediluvian a store researcher, ad executive [with the Steadman Research Group], and founder-publisher of StoryMoja, the advanced, indigenous African publishing residence that regulate two divide years has energized rendering local bookish scene manner ways guarantee can exclusive be compared to say publicly launching suffer defeat the emergent Kenyan bookish journal Kwani! several age before.
    But as hypothesize all that were categorize enough, Muthoni is further the leader and opener organizer build up the late and immensely successful Storymoja Hay Festival,which was inaugurated July 31 and held over threesome days unbendable the Antelope Sports Settlings under a myriad grip tents also to interpretation original Fodder Fete held annually upgrade Wales.

    SHFK Schedule

    Like its Land counterpart, description Storymoja Fodder Festival featured published authors from Kenya, Uganda, Rhodesia, Nigeria, wallet India, including one influence the foremost novelists poetry in Nation today, Vikram Seth, who engaged shut down Kenyans tab lively wrangle. But qualified also featured local filmmakers, visual spreadsheet performing artists, acade

    On Becoming African by Muthoni Garland

    My first sighting of Nigeria was in December 1980 when our PAN-AM plane landed in Kano on transit to New York. I was eighteen and on my way to Ohio University. Fellow passengers were almost all white tourists with a few Indian businessmen thrown in for colour. There must have been other black faces on the flight but I don’t remember any, and the thought that crossed my mind was that I could be whoever I decided as there was no-one to contradict me. Being with strangers meant that I was not boxed into an identity. The elderly American next to me had overgrown hair in his ears, nose, moustache and eyebrows. Itchy to watch it stir and wiggle when he spoke. But as the first-born daughter of a Kikuyu mother, senior-civil servant father, and a beneficiary of a Catholic secondary school education, I knew to extend a good face to my elders and to all white people.

    The man launched into a detailed account of his Safari. I responded in my most English-English to bust any pre-conceived notion in his head that I might have anything in common with the ‘money-for-photos-red-sheeted-noble-savages’ that he’d seen in the parks. I wore the latest cowboy boots for god’s sake. When I lit a cigarette and requested the perky hostess – who called m

    Muthoni Garland – Festival Founder

    Muthoni Garland is a founder member of Storymoja Publishing, Storymoja Hay Festival, Storyhippo Creative Arts programme and .

    She is a social activist advocating reading for pleasure, and is involved in the Reading Revolution campaign promoting reading amongst children.

    Muthoni has been published in literary journals including Kwani, Farafina and Chimurenga and in several anthologies in the USA and UK. Writing as Muthoni Muchemi, she has published over a dozen books for children including ‘Kamau’s Finish /The Amazing Race’, which is taught as world literature in schools in the USA and UK.  Her science-fiction book, ‘Attack of the Shidas” was commissioned by the Kenya Human Rights Commission to stimulate discussion about tribalism in schools.  Muthoni’s books are available on Amazon and on Worldreader.

    Muthoni is also a storyteller and has appeared on stage in Kenya, Italy and the UK.

  • muthoni garland biography