Maestro salim sahab biography of albert

  • ABU DHABI - The Cultural Foundation in Abu Dhabi has lined up an exciting array of cultural, musical and artistic events for the current season.
  • In a world of darkened hostels and sad students, one learns to be heartened by small mercies.
  • Having "grown up" in Mehmed II's court, he was either sent abroad for training or tutored in the sultan's palace by his master, called.
  • Abu Dhabi Cultural Foundation lines up a host of programmes

    These events will place the foundation at par with the prestigious international operas and theatres, such as National Theatre in Paris, Albert Hall in London and the Berlin Opera, according to Mohammed Khalaf Al Mazrouei, Director-General of Abu Dhabi Culture and Heritage Authority (ADCHA).

    Mazrouei told Khaleej Times that the cultural calendar of the current year would not only present musical and artistic performances but will delve deep into cultural and ethnic diversity in Abu Dhabi with events such as the Emarati local handicraft market entitled “100 per cent Emarati”.

    On December 10, he said, the Cultural Foundation would organise the 50-day 'Pearl Festival' to mark the great history of Abu Dhabi as a world capital of pearls. Around 1,000 rare pieces of pearls will be on display.

    “As Abu Dhabi is gearing up to mark the silver jubilee of the Cultural Foundation, a plethora of events are being organised,” he indicated.

    Underlining the cultural and ethnic diversity, he said that Arab cultural organisations would be invited to boost artistic and cultural cooperation through cultural weeks, programmes and performances.

    Abdullah Al Ameri, Acting Director of Culture and Arts Institute, said cultural diversity wo

  • Lot No: 1

    Lot: 1

    Osmanlıca Spor Alemi dergisi, "Pazar günü şehrimize gelen Rus futbolcular" yazılı kapağında, içi denote görselli 24 sayfa (pages)


  • Lot No: 2

    Lot: 2

    Osmanlıca Spor Alemi dergisi, üstte "Büyük maçı heyecanla bekleyen spor meraklıları" ortada "Beklenen gol" aşağıda ise Galatasaray'ın futbolcu Calif bey urge Fenerbahçe'nin futbolcusu Kadri bey" yazılı kapağında, içinde futbol harici güreşle ilgili fotoğraf ve sayfalarda bulunan, commemorate görselli 22 sayfa (pages)


  • Lot No: 3

    Lot: 3

    Osmanlıca Spor Alemi dergisi, "Geçen çarşamba akşamı mağlup olmayan rus futbolcuları vapur güvertesinde" yazılı kapağında, içinde futbol harici atletizm ile ilgili fotoğraf having an important effect sayfalarda bulunan, bol görselli 16 sayfa (pages)


  • Lot No: 4

    Lot: 4

    Osmanlıca Spor Alemi dergisi, "Bulgaristan'daki vaziyet dolayısıyla tehir eden maç için milli takımımız&#x

  • maestro salim sahab biography of albert
  • Contemptible Dreams, Remarkable Rinpoches

    Letter from Bodhgaya

    By Ven. Kabir Saxena (Losang Tenpa)

    “Long enough have you dreamed contemptible dreams. Now I wash the gum from your eyes .” – Walt Whitman

    “Samsara is nothing other than how things appear to you.” – Patrul Rinpoche

    Sometimes, when I feel a little braver than usual, I go to places that scare me. I’m not referring, dear reader, to far-flung blasted cemeteries with jackals baying for blood and naked levitating tantrikas. I mean something a little closer to home, namely the Ambedkar Hostel for Scheduled Castes (SC) in Gaya. SC is the dreadful name the government now gives to the lowest castes and the former untouchable communities in India, people I’ve referred to many times in past articles, many of whom have converted to Buddhism in recent decades.

    Thinking to be a hero of sorts and to “help those whom you think you cannot help,” (advice from Machig Lapdron’s teacher, courtesy of Pema Chodron), I set out after nightfall on my trusty scooter. The hostel, which is situated near the town jail on the outskirts of Gaya, is not so very far from those hills where the Buddha preached the Fire Sermon, and where later, jealous Devadatta̵