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DOD Reviews and Responses to GAO Reports: Fourth Semiannual Report
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Meet The U.S. Comptroller General
Gene L. Dodaro is the eighth Comptroller General of the United States and head of GAO. As Comptroller General, Mr. Dodaro leads GAO and helps oversee the hundreds of reports and testimonies that GAO provides each year to various committees and individual Members of Congress. The U.S. Comptroller General is appointed to a 15-year term.
Renowned experts featured in Spring 2019 Signature Lectures, law school Sibley Lecturer included
Renowned experts featured in Spring 2019 Signature Lectures
Athens, Ga. - Notable scholars and national leaders in politics, business, higher education and several other fields will visit the University of Georgia this semester as part of the Signature Lecture series.
"We have an outstanding lineup of Signature Lecturers this spring," said Meg Amstutz, associate provost for academic programs, whose office designates Signature Lectures at the beginning of each semester. "I hope people on campus and in the community will mark their calendars for these talks."
Signature Lectures denote campus talks by speakers with broad, multidisciplinary appeal and compelling bodies of work. Many of the lectures are supported by endowments, while others honor notable figures and milestones in the university's history.
All Signature Lectures are free and open to the public, and students are encouraged to attend. For more information and updates on Signature Lectures, see
W. Craig Fugate,former administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency; chief emergency management officer, One Concern
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