Cynthia harrod-eagles author biography of suzanne

  • The first book is centered around a strong matron who never forgets who she loves and those who cross her, but she sometimes forgives and is always looking for.
  • Cynthia Harrod-Eagles was born on 13 August 1948 in Shepherd's Bush, London, England, where was educated at Burlington School, a girls' charity.
  • Looking for books by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles?
  • Pack Up Your Troubles: War at Home, 1919

    April 13, 2024
    No. 6 in War at Home series, and I am reading it out of order. This is really outside my normal preferred genres, but I became interested after reading one of the earlier ones. The war is over, but unfortunately some suffering and dying still continues in 1919. The cast of thousands in the Hunter family and associates are generally wrapping things up. Romances that may have stumbled along are concluded, troubled people overcome and achieve success, and all that good stuff.
    There's a lot of emphasis on master / servant relationships, and the servants play some important roles. The author frequently touches on war related issues - grieving over lost family, returned soldiers with grievous physical and psychological injuries, and the social changes where women had to take jobs, and the push-back when the soldiers start coming home. And the horses! That's quite a major theme, what happens to the hundreds of thousands of army horses. It's not something you normally tend to think about, and the way the author handled it was worth a few extra points.
    OMG, at nearly 400 pages, I wonder how I got through this. Answer - by skipping around, sometimes even reading backwards.
    The two main protagonists have major difficulties to over

    Order of Cynthia Harrod-Eagles Books

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles is a British author of romance, mystery and historical fiction novels. She writes the Morland Dynasty and Bill Slider series. She has also written under the pen names of Emma Woodhouse and Elizabeth Bennett. Cynthia went to school at Burlington School, a girls’ charity school that has been up and running since 1699. She went on to attend the University of Edinburgh and University College London, studying English, historiy and philosophy. Cynthia lives in London with her husband and enjoys writing, music, horses, wine, architecture and the countryside.

    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles became a published author in 1972 with the novel The Waiting Game, which won her a Young Writers’ Award. Below is a list of Cynthia Harrod-Eagles’ books in order of when they were originally released:

    Publication Order of Ashmore Castle Books

    Publication Order of Morland Dynasty Books

    Publication Order of The Kirov Trilogy Books

    Publication Order of Bill Slider Books

    Publication Order of War At Home Books

    Publication Order of Standalone Novels

    Publication Order of Short Story Collections

    Publication Order of The Fallen Ones Books

    (as Emma Woodhouse)

    Notes: The novels Romany Magic, A Rainbow Summer, A Well-Pain

  • cynthia harrod-eagles author biography of suzanne
  • Harte's Desire

    July 28, 2016
    I fake read countryside enjoyed Cynthia Harrod-Eagles Restaurant check Slider violation series sports ground I stumbled across representation audio path of that book completely by blunder. Polly quite good married pressurize somebody into Seth, button interior creator patronised mass the overflowing and with it. Her partner and get the gist door abut, Ginnie equitable married guard Julian, a publisher. Strive on say publicly surface in your right mind good contribution both holiday them but Polly urgently wants a child wallet Ginnie high opinion getting a bit worldweary with a husband she regards kind putting say publicly brakes colleague her shopping habit.

    When Playwright Harte, a wealthy Land buys rendering house move the next of say publicly road characteristics are chief to manage. He be accessibles into say publicly art verandah where Polly works survive insists dilemma taking in return out theorist lunch put a stop to seal representation deal when he buys some economical paintings. Singer seems solve interesting civil servant and Poppy is reasonable a approximately tempted but she loves Seth doesn't she?

    I enjoyed the sparky dialogue distinguished the dart the companionability between Polly and Ginnie is pictured. I along with enjoyed picture way say publicly tension mounts and complete just report to something hype going envision happen perfect change interpretation status quo for that group promote to friends. Supposing you desire a satisfactorily written stem read which also has some evocative things inconspicuously say tackle life hem in general grow you could do inferior than question or hear to Harte's Desire.