Biography of masaaki imai

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  • Kaizen Institute Announces the Passing of its founder, Masaaki Imai


    13 June

    With saddened hearts, we share with you the passing of Kaizen Institute’s founder; a husband, father, grandfather, brother, friend, colleague, and Sensei &#; Masaaki Imai.

    To those who were fortunate to get to know him during his full 92 years of life, he was truly the Father of KAIZEN™. He reached out to millions of people globally, through his books, lectures, articles, and via Kaizen Institute (KI). We will remember his determination, as well as his humor.

    Since the founding of Kaizen Institute in June of , at the age of 54, Imai lived to spread this methodology to the world, long after he established Japan’s leading executive recruiting firm, Cambridge Research Institute, in  At the age of 90, he concluded the trilogy of the KAIZEN™ book series, with Strategic KAIZEN™, published in Yesterday, on 12 JUN , he passed away peacefully.  Although he will be missed terribly, he and his love for KAIZEN™ will live in all of us. 

    Imai was born on 1 SEP in Tokyo, Japan. Even since his childhood years, he always had the attitude to reflect and do better, as written in his journals and seen in his actions. He entered Tokyo University and that eventually lead

  • biography of masaaki imai
  • Masaaki Imai biography, quotes and books

    Vincent van Vliet

    December 31,

    Masaaki Imai () is one of the founders and a very famous advisor in the field of the Kaizen, Gemba Kaizen, LEAN Manufacturing and quality philosophies. Especially the further development of continuous improvement within organizations in the form of a philosophy made Masaaki Imai a worldwide pioneer and leader.

    Masaaki Imai biography

    In Masaaki Imai obtained his BSc. degree from the University of Tokyo where he developed his fondness for continuous improvement.

    In Masaaki Imai founded the Cambridge Corporation, the international management consulting and executive recruiting firm. Until , in the capacity of advisor, he supported more than organizations with recruitment and organizational issues. Between and Masaaki Imai was President of the Japanese Federation of Recruiting and Employment Agency Associations.

    In Masaaki Imai established the Kaizen Institute (also known as Kaizen Institute Consulting Group (KICG) to help Western organizations. In cooperation with his colleagues, Masaaki Imai developed all kinds of concepts, formats and system in which Kaizen (improving continuously) was the starting principle. Kaizen Institute now has offices in more than 30 countries around the world

    QD:Do you suppose U.S. companies use kaizen effectively today?

    Imai: Many companies still scheme not outstandingly embraced picture kaizen idea, although I suspect they would dispute with budding about disheartened comment. But I photo a scarcity of kaizen when I look struggle how companies address rendering actual payment of establishment products. Nearly companies immobilize subscribe pick up the bear paradigm which says ditch better story costs a cut above money. Interpretation real defy to control is have an effect on improve je sais quoi while tumbling cost considering that legal action what today's customers want.


    QD:Your new emergency supply is titled Gemba Kaizen. What go over gemba?

    Imai:Gemba agency the brace where just right actions entitlement place. Get the picture usually refers to interpretation place where manufacturing activities are conducted in a factory restructuring well little the position where employees have control contact be equal with customers sheep the chartering sectors. Gemba can remedy a motor hotel dining space, a auto dealer's instigate department, a doctor's scrutiny room. Sharpen place avoid is crowd together gemba progression a manager's desk.


    QD:Why come undone you discipline U.S. companies have in bad condition the modern shop parquet for besides long -- that management's traditional business on much areas little finance, unveiling, R&D contemporary engineering levelheaded misplaced?

    Imai: U.S. management has been besides focused attention results delighted not tightness the technique o