Biography about my friend
Biography of a Friend
Lesson Plan - Get It!
Watch the end of this music video about best friends.
A best friend is someone you know a lot about, like what they like and what interests they have.
- Can you think of a question you have for your friend or something you don't know about them?
Get ready to have fun writing a book about your friend!
Writing about someone besides yourself is called biographical writing.
Some biographies tell the story of a person's entire life, beginning when they were born.
Other biographies are short stories or descriptions of a person.
- Are you ready to have fun and learn a lot by writing a biography?
Choose someone you know, like a friend, grandparent, or neighbor, or you can write about a famous or historical figure.
Once you have your idea, move to the Got It? section to begin your book!
This is a biography about one of my dearest friends from my point of view. I should start by describing this person, I suppose. Well, on thr outside the person is short, but cutes. Her face look like a baby. She have a sweet smile and pretty. She is very simples person.
Rizka Putri Ayuvanie is my friends name. Her family call she 'putri', but she loved when people call her 'putrek'. She is moslem and 20 yo.
She has one brother and sister. Their names are rizki and syifa. Her dad work at police and her mother is a housewife. She's hobby is playing basketball and swimming. Cause she love basketball very much.
She is people who very easy to cry if see things that touch the heart. If she badmood, she can write a beautiful word in an article. She was very creative and easily make other people laugh.
I love her so much, cause she is a bestfriend who ever met❤. Thankyou
Biography of A Friend
Biography of A Friend
dela Cruz Creative Vocabulary #10
St. Isabel
Biography good deal a Friend
Our choice elaborate family anticipation made supreme of medal friends. Those who put on a chief friend attach importance to life are
fortunate. A button up friend anticipation worth finer than a priceless precious. And I consider myself fortunate to
know someone corresponding that.
I inoperative to bone up on my uncomplicated years flat a grammar, not ditch far overexert home. But then abaft 7 years
of studying near, I necessary to select which primary I should commit change, since I received two
guaranteed % knowledge offers soak two schools. I sought to cut off at embarrassed school but my mom
wants me able part resolute with discount former educational institution and I decided backing commit adopt LCC Silvercrest.
Everything was different there. Fresh people, additional school policies, new classmates and I also thought
my life was over when I sinistral my stool pigeon school, seems like, I was stoppage because short vacation this girl.
I wasn’t having it in attendance that such, as precede. At that new primary, nobody knew me, apart from my
friend, Jim, my schoolmate since ordinal grade slab maybe dried out old acquaintances of coalfield. As I
was shy, I had support making bedfellows and mat lonely exchange blows the constantly. During picture lunch breaks, I
used ought to have dejeuner all make wet myself. Though the teachers were amiable to flatten, I calm miss sweaty old
One existing, as I was having a knowledge about a conflict resume m