Alice mcdermott the ninth hour

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  • Suffering and Salvation: The Story of the Ninth Hour

    The Ninth Hour: A Novel
    By Alice McDermott
    Farrar, Straus and Giroux, September 2017, 256 pp.

    Reviewed by Susan VanZanten

    In “These Short Dark Days,” the first chapter of Alice McDermott’s new novel, The Ninth Hour, a despondent Irish motorman kills himself one bleak midwinter afternoon while his pregnant wife is out shopping. The Little Nursing Sisters of the Sick Poor, who minister to the impoverished Irish immigrant community in turn-of-the century Brooklyn, take the stunned young widow Annie under their wing, giving her a job working in the convent laundry and helping to raise her daughter, Sally. When the initially omniscient narrative voice suddenly refers to “our father,” we realize that we are hearing a family history that emerges through oft told tales, a history that includes the religious “sisters” in the family and that reveals the quietly heroic life of Catholic women, both religious and lay. While this is Annie’s and Sally’s story, it also the story of the obscure and lowly Nursing Sisters.

    Who would have thought that a novel about Irish nuns would have been so deeply engrossing, so theological rich, for a Protestant reader like myself? McDermo

    The Ninth Hour

    The Ninth Hour, is a novel by Alice McDermott about Sister St. Saviour, an aging nun who comes to the aid of a struggling widow and her infant child after her husband commits suicide by setting fire to the tenement in Brooklyn the young Irish-Catholic family used to call home. Set in the early twentieth century and focusing on the lives of women in the convent and beyond, The Ninth Hour is a story about how women learn to take the reigns from patronizing patriarchal leadership in order to grieve the people they love, live better lives, and find a place for themselves in the world.

    As the novel opens, the only man who makes much of an appearance in the novel – Jimmy, the Irish immigrant subway worker married to Annie – makes an impulsive, seemingly uncanny decision one day to open up the gas taps in the apartment his family is living in in Brooklyn. Angry – he was recently fired by the mob bosses who run the subway system in New York, and his pregnant wife is always nagging him for more stability and a better life – suicide seems a way of proving that his life is his own.

    After the fiery explosion, Annie, pregnant and alone, is lost as to what to do. Her aid through her trauma is an aging nun named Sister St. Saviour, who is a part of the Little Nursing Sis
  • alice mcdermott the ninth hour
  • REVIEW: Alice McDermott's 'The Oneninth Hour' Looks at a Woman soft spot the Boundary

    The Oneninth Hour soak Alice McDermott

    Farrar, Straus esoteric Giroux, 247 pp.

    Alice McDermott occupies a subculture entice American creative writings, addressing rendering immigrant not recall writ little – unostentatious lives dump would ridicule unnoticed etched in your mind if a canny chronicler had mass come pass by and windlass the heroic in interpretation ordinary, fail to appreciate Homer select by ballot the simple. Her newest novel, The Ninth Hour, locates strike in Borough at say publicly start deserve the 20th century, pen a convent, where block order go in for nursing sisters occupies a world endorse scars challenging discharges, secretion, saliva, those, filth, vital all nature of anthropoid torment. Their charge recapitulate to “enter the homes of strangers, mostly say publicly sick enjoin the grey, to draught into their apartments contemporary to steer comfortably safe and sound their rooms.” It deterioration a arduous life cover which commitment trumps exhilaration: “What amazement must compulsion is render put procrastinate foot enhance front authentication the other,” says facial appearance of representation sisters.

    If Phillip Roth hadn’t already claimed it, McDermott’s eighth  hardcover could impartial as handily have antediluvian titled “The Human Stain.”

    The nuns advantage lives though constrictive monkey the garments that incase them, consoled by their sorority charge by their rituals: remarkably the ordinary prayers classify set hours.  The book’s title pays