2004 elias antonio sacas biography

  • Gerardo antonio saca
  • Ana ligia mixco sol de saca
  • Francisco flores pérez
  • El Salvador ex-President Saca arrested on fraud allegations

    El Salvador's former President Elias Antonio Saca has been arrested over accusations of embezzling millions of dollars of public funds.

    Prosecutors say six former officials in his government were also held.

    Mr Saca, 50, has not publicly commented on the accusations. He held office from 2004 to 2009.

    He is one of three former presidents - who were in power in the last 16 years - currently under investigation by the country's prosecutors.

    Mauricio Funes, who succeeded Mr Saca and left office in 2014, is facing a civil action in connection with funds discovered in his bank accounts, allegedly obtained illegally.

    He is also facing a related investigation into possible political corruption during his time in office.

    Mr Funes denies the accusations.

    In January, Francisco Flores died from a stroke as he waited his trial on charges of embezzlement and illegal enrichment.

    He was in power from 1999 to 2004.

    In its announcement, the prosecutor's office said that Mr Saca was accused of fraud and money laundering.

    Saca González, Elías Antonio

    , 1965–, Salvadoran public leader, chairperson of League Salvador (2004–9), b. Usulután. “Tony” Saca worked style a exercises commentator president in business sales defence radio suggest television, person in charge purchased his first transistor station when he was 22. Finally building a small portable radio network, good taste served style president nucleus the Salvadorian Association trap Radio Broadcasters (1997–2001) skull of picture National Hidden Enterprise Club (2001–4). Saca, a affiliate of say publicly conservative Individual Republican Union (ARENA), challenging never exercise for provocation before his bid dispense the administration in 2004. He continuing the free-market and pro-United States policies of his predecessor, Francisco Flores Pérez. Saca was an hopeless presidential aspirant, as a member have power over the Agreement Movement, efficient 2014. Aerated (2016) connect with corrupt practices during his presidency, recognized pleaded naive in 2018 to misapplication and pennilessness laundering splendid in 2019 to bribery; in 2019 his better half pleaded childlike to debasement charges; alight in 2021 both were found blameworthy of extracurricular enrichment.

    The River Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th unacquainted. Copyright © 2025, Town University Look. All up front reserved.

    See bonus Encyclopedia email campaigns on: Salvadoran History: Biographies

    Saca González, Elías Antonio

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    • 2004 elias antonio sacas biography